IBM Home Theater Server SA41 5155 05 User Manual

iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map  
Version 5  
iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map  
Version 5  
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the information in  
Sixth Edition (May 2001)  
This edition replaces SA41-5155-04. This edition applies only to reduced instruction set computer (RISC) systems.  
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997, 2001. All rights reserved.  
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract  
with IBM Corp.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001  
iv iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map, SA41515505  
Use this book as a guide for planning and conducting an upgrade or data  
migration, from one iSeries 400 or AS/400 reduced instruction set computer (RISC),  
to another RISC model.  
For information on supported releases, see  
and recommended publications.  
Who Should Read This Book  
This road map is for anyone who is considering an upgrade for an iSeries server or  
is involved in migrating data from one RISC model to another RISC model. This  
audience includes:  
v Customers  
v Hardware services personnel  
v Software services personnel  
v Business partners  
v Marketing representatives  
Everyone involved in the model upgrade or data migration needs to know all of  
the information in this book.  
Each customer should have a Customer Account Team Leader. This team leader  
can be a Hardware Service Representative, Software Service Representative,  
Business Partner, or Marketing Representative. The Availability Center usually  
assigns a Customer Account Team Leader.  
Conventions and Terminology Used in This Book  
This road map identifies activities, programs, tools, and references that you can use  
to upgrade the model.  
As you read this book, you should be aware of the following terms:  
v The terms source system and target system are used throughout this manual.  
The source system is the system you are upgrading from. The target system is  
the system you are upgrading to.  
v The term Marketing Representative can mean either an IBM Marketing  
Representative, a Business Partner, or a Services Specialist.  
v The term 1xx includes Model 150 or 170.  
v The term 2xx includes Model 250 or 270.  
v The term 4xx includes Model 400, 40S, or 436.  
v The term 5xx includes Model 50x, 50S, 510, or 530.  
v The term Sxx includes Model S10, S20, S30, S40, SB1, SB2, or SB3.  
v The term 6xx includes Model 600, 620, 640, or 650.  
v The term 7xx includes Model 720, 730, or 740.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001  
v The term 8xx includes Model 820, 830, or 840.  
v The term iSeries or iSeries 400 as used in this document refers to the new  
generation of (previously AS/400) systems and servers positioned for e-business:  
e-systems and e-servers, for example Model 170.  
v The term iSeries server as used in this document refers to:  
iSeries system- Models 40x, 5x0, 150 and 6x0.  
iSeries server- Models 40S, 5xS, Sxx, 170, 2xx, 7xx and 8xx.  
v The term System Products Division (SPD) book-type adapter cards includes all  
adapter cards that are not Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) adapter  
In this publication, the version, release, and modification levels are shown in a  
shortened form:  
Version 4 Release 4 Modification 0  
Version 4 Release 5 Modification 0  
Version 5 Release 1 Modification 0  
Version 4 Release 4 Modification (any)  
Version 4 Release 5 Modification (any)  
Version 5 Release 1 Modification (any)  
Any version 5 release, such as, V5R1M0.  
Any version 4 release, such as, V4R1M0, V4R2M0 or V4R3M0.  
Version 5  
Version 4  
Is used in this book to indicate that a step, or process may cause loss of data.  
Namely: Installing incorrect versions of the operating system.  
Is used in this book to indicate possible damage to the system.  
Namely: Static damage to component.  
Is used in this book to indicate possible damage to the users and equipment.  
Namely: Electrical shock.  
In any position that contains numerals, an x = any supported value, for example  
SFxxxxx, or VxRxMx.  
Examples of displays might contain only pertinent information to a topic. So, some  
display examples do not show all text and lines, especially blank lines.  
vi iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Prerequisite and related information  
Use the iSeries Information Center as your starting point for looking up iSeries and  
AS/400e technical information. You can access the Information Center two ways:  
v From the following Web site:  
v From CD-ROMs that ship with your Operating System/400 order:  
iSeries Information Center, SK3T-4091-00. This package also includes the PDF  
versions of iSeries manuals, iSeries Information Center: Supplemental Manuals,  
SK3T-4092-00, which replaces the Softcopy Library CD-ROM.  
The iSeries Information Center contains advisors and important topics such as CL  
commands, system application programming interfaces (APIs), logical partitions,  
clustering, Java, TCP/IP, Web serving, and secured networks. It also includes links  
to related IBM Redbooks and Internet links to other IBM Web sites such as the  
Technical Studio and the IBM home page.  
With every new hardware order, you receive the following CD-ROM information:  
v iSeries 400 Installation and Service Library, SK3T-4096-00. This CD-ROM contains  
PDF manuals needed for installation and system maintenance of an IBM ~  
iSeries 400 server.  
v iSeries 400 Setup and Operations CD-ROM, SK3T-4098-00. This CD-ROM contains  
IBM iSeries Client Access Express for Windows and the EZ-Setup wizard. Client  
Access Express offers a powerful set of client and server capabilities for  
connecting PCs to iSeries servers. The EZ-Setup wizard automates many of the  
iSeries setup tasks.  
Your RISC-to-RISC upgrade or data migration requires the following publications:  
v This book. The online version of this book is on the iSeries Information Center  
under the System Planning and Installation topic.  
v iSeries Information Center, SK3T-4091-00 is required for logical partition  
information along with many other topics.  
v Software Installation, SC41-5120-05 is required for the software upgrade. A PDF  
version of this manual is available from the iSeries Information Center under  
System planning and installation -> Hardware and software -> Software and  
licensed programs -> Install software  
v Physical Planning in the iSeries Information Center under Getting Started with  
iSeries -> Planning ->Physical planning for your new system.  
v Getting started with iSeries topic under System planning and installation in the  
Information Center.  
v The Backup and Recovery manual is available in PDF format from the iSeries  
Information Center (under Systems Management -> Backup, recovery, and  
availability -> Manuals and Redbooks) and is shipped with your order.  
v iSeries Model 270, 8xx, SB2, and SB3 System Installation and Upgrade, SY44-5966-01.  
v iSeries 400 Model 830, 840, SB2 and SB3 Problem Analysis, Repair and Parts,  
v iSeries 400 Model 270 and 820 Problem Analysis, Repair and Parts, SY44-5967.  
v Operations Console Setup, SC41-5508-02.  
iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map, SA41515505 vii  
For information about Logical Partitioning, see the LPAR web site at:  
For information about working with PTFs, see the Managing fixes topic in the  
Information Center under System planning and installation -> Getting started  
with iSeries -> Managing system operations.  
For information about other AS/400 publications (except Advanced 36), see the  
v Prior to V4R4, the Publications Reference, SC41-5003, in the AS/400 Softcopy  
v The AS/400 Information Directory is a unique, multimedia interface to a  
searchable database. It contains descriptions of titles available from IBM or from  
other selected publishers. It comes with the OS/400 operating system at no extra  
v iSeries Information Center: Supplemental Manuals, SK3T-4092-00.  
An upgrade might require the use the following publications:  
v Operations Console Setup, SC41-5508-02  
v BEST/1 Capacity Planning Tool, SC41-5341-01  
v LPS: OnDemand for AS/400, GC41-5079-01  
v OptiConnect for OS/400, SC41-5414-02  
Operations Navigator  
IBM Operations Navigator is a powerful graphical interface for managing your  
iSeries 400 servers. Operations Navigator functionality includes system navigation,  
configuration, planning capabilities, and online help to guide you through your  
tasks. Operations Navigator makes operation and administration of the server  
easier and more productive and is the only user interface to the new, advanced  
features of the OS/400 operating system. It also includes Management Central for  
managing multiple servers from a central server.  
For more information on Operations Navigator, see the iSeries Information Center.  
How to send your comments  
Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and  
high-quality information. If you have any comments about this book or any other  
iSeries documentation, fill out the readerscomment form at the back of this book.  
v If you prefer to send comments by mail, use the readerscomment form with the  
address that is printed on the back. If you are mailing a readerscomment form  
from a country other than the United States, you can give the form to the local  
IBM branch office or IBM representative for postage-paid mailing.  
v If you prefer to send comments by FAX, use either of the following numbers:  
United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico: 1-800-937-3430  
Other countries: 1-507-253-5192  
v If you prefer to send comments electronically, use one of these e-mail addresses:  
Comments on books:  
Comments on the iSeries Information Center:  
viii iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Be sure to include the following:  
v The name of the book or iSeries Information Center topic.  
v The publication number of a book.  
v The page number or topic of a book to which your comment applies.  
iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map, SA41515505 ix  
iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Chapter 1. Overview of RISC-to-RISC Upgrades and Data  
The road map lists important considerations and activities that are critical to the  
successful model upgrade of a system. Although this road map is not designed to  
be an all inclusive how-to source for activities relating to upgrading your system, it  
covers the essentials by guiding you to the proper source. Follow all the steps in  
the order presented and notify your IBM® representative for assistance if you run  
into difficulties.  
This road map also covers how to perform a model to model data migration. A  
data migration can be performed from almost any iSeries 400 model to any model.  
The source model must be at the same release as the new model to correctly  
complete the data migration. Data migration involves a new system with a new  
serial number.  
For an overview of the RISC-to-RISC upgrades and data migration, refer to  
What is in this Road Map?  
This road map covers the following RISC-to-RISC upgrades:  
Note: The current system may require hardware upgrades or configuration  
changes to satisfy capacity and compatibility requirements of new software  
and hardware.  
v IBM AS/400 Model 170 to IBM AS/400 Model 170  
There are no upgrades into or out of a Model 170. The Data Migration section of  
this book covers the procedure used to perform a data move from the source  
system to the new iSeries model.  
v IBM ~ iSeries Model 270 to IBM ~ iSeries Model 270  
There are no upgrades into or out of a Model 270. The Data Migration section of  
this book covers the procedure used to perform a data move from the source  
system to the new iSeries model.  
v IBM AS/400 Models 5xx to IBM AS/400 Models 7xx  
v IBM AS/400 Models 6xx to IBM AS/400 Models 7xx  
v IBM AS/400 Models 7xx to IBM AS/400 Models 7xx  
v IBM AS/400 Models Sxx or IBM AS/400 Models 5xx to IBM ~ iSeries  
Models 8xx  
There are no model upgrades into a Model 8xx from a Model 5xx, 6xx, Sxx, or  
SBx. However, some hardware may be moved from the 5xx into a migration I  
expansion unit (I/O and disk unit). The Data Migration section of this book  
covers the procedure used to perform a data move from the source system to the  
new iSeries 400 model.  
v IBM AS/400 Models 6xx to IBM ~ iSeries Models 8xx  
v IBM AS/400 Models 7xx to IBM ~ iSeries Models 8xx  
v IBM ~ iSeries Models 8xx to IBM ~ iSeries Models 8xx  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001  
Contact your local IBM representative or authorized dealer for additional  
information on permitted upgrades.  
For servers that do not have an upgrade path, use the data migration section of  
this book. This would include scenarios such as an AS/400® Model 540 to an  
iSeries 400 Model 270.  
Why Upgrade from one AS/400 or iSeries 400 Server to Another iSeries  
400 Server?  
You might ask yourself why IBM is doing this and why upgrade your server now?  
Most customers need to increase performance and add capacity.  
What is an Upgrade?  
In this book, an upgrade is any improvement made to the software or the  
hardware of an iSeries 400 or AS/400 model that retains the serial number of the  
iSeries 400 or AS/400 model. This includes moving the compatible hardware, the  
Licensed Internal Code, operating system, and the licensed programs to a new  
target system for better performance and reliability.  
A data migration is the process of moving only the data from one iSeries 400 or  
AS/400 model to a new iSeries 400 model, with a new serial number.  
Upgrade process flow  
The following flow chart describes each step of an MES upgrade and lists the  
required outputs for each stage.  
iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Hardware Investment for Upgrading  
You may choose to upgrade your existing RISC system processor, or replace it with  
a new iSeries 400 model. In either case, you may keep most of the current system.  
The process of either an upgrade of your existing system or moving parts from an  
existing system to a new system, are called miscellaneous equipment specification  
(MES). MES denotes the process steps of an upgrade. The type of MES depends on  
several factors:  
v Your current processor model  
v Costs  
v Your system availability requirements  
The information in this book will help to determine the right path to an upgrade.  
This is based on the current model and the goals of the process.  
How Long will the Upgrade Take?  
The upgrade process includes planning, ordering, shipping, installing and testing  
the system. The following table shows approximately how long an upgrade might  
Note: You should plan at least one additional hour of down time to load the  
operating system for systems not preloaded.  
Order Planning - 5 to 15  
Installation Planning and Preparation - 10 to 30 days Phase II Installation - Weekend  
(1 to 3 days)  
Phase I Installation - 5 to  
20 Days  
page vii for required  
page vii for required  
Save System  
Upgrade Hardware  
System Requirements  
Solution Assurance  
Upgrade Software  
Verify System  
Hardware and Software  
Check History and Clean Save System  
Up Messages  
Determine Services  
Physical Planning (Site  
Save System  
Place Order  
What is a Data Migration?  
A data migration is the process of moving the OS/400® and the data from one  
model iSeries 400 or AS/400 to a new model iSeries 400 AS/400.  
The source system must be at the same release level as the target server. This  
includes OS/400, all objects, and all licensed programs.  
For customers ordering a new RISC iSeries 400 server with V4R4 or V4R5 to  
replace an existing RISC iSeries 400 or AS/400 model (source) and needing to  
migrate their data from the sourcemodel to the new server, a new feature code  
Feature Code (F/C) #0205, is now available. This new feature code should be  
ordered against the new RISC iSeries 400 server. It is valid on orders for all new  
servers except the Models 150 and SB1.  
Chapter 1. Overview of RISC-to-RISC Upgrades and Data Migrations  
For Feature Code #0205, the customer must have purchased a new server with  
enough hardware and disk unit to hold all of the data from the sourcemodel as  
well as any new data including any required IBM software (OS/400 and so forth).  
Additionally, the RISC-to-RISC Data Migration process requires that the source″  
model must be at the same version/release of OS/400 and Licensed Program  
Products (LPPs) as that of the newserver which has been ordered/received.  
Customers with Version 3 (V3R7) on their sourcemodel must upgrade to Version  
4. It is recommended that they purchase Software Subscription for AS/400. They  
must then order and upgrade to match the new server (V4R4 or V4R5) in order to  
proceed with their data migration. V3R7 cannot be directly upgraded to V4R4 or  
V4R5 therefore, to do this the source system will need to be upgraded to V4R2 or  
V4R3 before upgrading to V4R4 or V4R5. Customers with Version 4 must obtain  
new server release of OS/400 licenses of the LPPs, either through new orders or  
via Software Subscription for AS/400.  
A License Addendum will be provided to allow the customer to install and use the  
copy of OS/400 (received with the newly ordered server) on their source model for  
up to 70 days. This Addendum authorizes the customers to use the new Version  
and Release on the source system for the sole purpose of migrating their data. The  
previous Version and Release must be reinstalled after the migration is completed.  
The V4R4 or V4R5 licenses of OS/400 and the LPPs will only allow the products to  
be run on one system at a time. Model 150 customers who are not at the new  
server release of OS/400 must purchase the BasePak Upgrade (5649-EP5 for V4R4)  
in addition to any upgrades for installed Optional Products in order to proceed  
with their data migration. Feature Code #0205 provides for minimal pre loading of  
the new server, inclusion of a special License Addendum.  
Feature Code #0205 differs from Feature Code #0203. Feature Code #0203 SHOULD  
NOT be ordered for iSeries 400 or AS/400 RISC-to-RISC data migrations as it is  
designed exclusively for AS/400 CISC-to-RISC data migrations.  
Data migration process flow  
The following flow chart describes each step of a data migration and lists the  
required outputs for each stage.  
iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
How Long will the Data Migration Take?  
The data migration process includes planning, ordering, shipping, installing and  
testing the system. The following table shows approximately how long a data  
migration might take.  
Note: You should plan at least one additional hour of down time to upgrade the  
operating system for source systems not at the new server release level.  
Order Planning - 5 to 15 Days  
Installation Planning and  
Preparation - 10 to 30 days  
Phase II Installation - Weekend (1 to 3  
required publications.  
required publications.  
Migrate Data  
System Requirements  
Solution Assurance  
Verify System  
Physical Planning (Site  
Check History and Clean Up Messages  
Determine Services Needed  
Place Order  
Software Preparation (Upgrade  
Source System Software)  
Save System  
Save System  
Books to Use for Software Release Upgrades  
The following table lists software release considerations, and which book to use for  
upgrading the operating system and licensed programs.  
Chapter 1. Overview of RISC-to-RISC Upgrades and Data Migrations  
OS/400 Release Currently Installed  
Book To Use For Upgrade and Software Installation  
If you have one of these releases installed on your system, your system  
already runs on the RISC architecture. Use this manual, iSeries 940x  
RISC-to-RISC Road Map, SA41-5155-05, for the upgrade. Use the manual  
Software Installation, SC41-5120-05, to replace the installed operating system  
and licensed programs. A PDF version of this manual is available from the  
iSeries Information Center under System planning and installation ->  
Hardware and software -> Software and licensed programs -> Install  
software. Use the manual Backup and Recovery, SC41-5304-05, for the save  
and restore requirements of these procedures. A PDF version of this manual  
is available from the Information Center under Systems Management ->  
Backup, recovery, and availability -> Manuals and Redbooks.  
Note: V4R4 introduced logical partitions. Go to the iSeries Information  
Center for help with setting up, upgrades to, and maintaining logical  
See the Software Installation manual for other software requirements and  
limitations prior to the OS/400 upgrade.  
iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Chapter 2. Planning Your Order for Upgrading or Data  
Review this chapter as you identify a solution and again after a decision is made  
to verify the accuracy and completeness of the order. After you finish reviewing  
this chapter, you should have the following:  
v Final software order  
v Final hardware order  
v Floor layout  
v High-speed link (HSL) and system power control network (SPCN) plan  
v Cable labelling of source system  
v Site requirements defined  
on page 4, depending on your situation, to identify where Planning is in the  
overall process.  
Determining Your Upgrade Needs  
To help determine the upgrade needs, please consider the following:  
v What problems does this upgrade need to address?  
v What additional applications or growth do you expect or plan for in the future?  
v What new technology do you want as part of the upgrade?  
v What are the requirements for the following:  
v What are your expectations for the following:  
Impact on business operations  
v What are the financial considerations to keep in mind? For example:  
Government discounts  
Capital planning cycles  
Tax implications  
Performance Tools for Capacity Planning and Performance  
The licensed program Performance Tools/400 (Program 57xx-PT1) and QSIZE400  
on the iSeries 400 configurator can be used for capacity planning and performance  
The BEST**/1 Capacity Planning function of the Performance Tools licensed  
program provides the capability to analyze how a different AS/400 or iSeries 400  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001  
configuration will perform with your current workload. The program temporary  
fixes (PTFs) are now available that include capacity planning information for the  
PowerPC processor models of the system. You can use Performance Tools to help  
you determine the proper configuration of the processor main storage, and disk  
resources that will meet your performance requirements.  
Performance Tools are the best source of information for determining what  
configuration meets your performance requirements. You should order the PTF  
that updates your version of Performance Tools with the PowerPC AS processor  
Note: If you do not have Performance Tools on your system, you should obtain  
modeling information in another way, such as by using consulting services.  
Modeling the characteristics of your target configuration helps ensure that  
the configuration meets your needs.  
The latest PTFs for AS/400 BEST/1 Capacity Planner are required. You can order  
or download these PTFs from the following Web site:  
You need to register at this site. Do the following to go to the Internet PTF Facility:  
1. Click Fixes, Downloads and Updates  
2. Click Internet PTF Downloads (iPTF)  
How to Gather Configuration Information  
You and your marketing representative use the MRPD (Machine Reported Product  
Data) and the IBM Configurator for e-business. This process compares your current  
configuration with your desired configuration and creates the MES order  
automatically. This simplifies the work that you and the marketing representative  
have to do and ensures a correct MES order.  
Machine Reported Product Data (MRPD)  
The hardware and software inventory of a system can be transmitted to IBM and  
stored in databases there. Once the information has been captured, it can be  
accessed by the marketing representative to establish a starting point for a system  
upgrade. The data may also be used for problem determination by hardware and  
software support centers.  
The data can be sent to IBM with these tools:  
v Manually, with the WRKORDINF command. The WRKORDINF command sends  
the information once through the Electronic Customer Support line.  
v Automatically, with Service Agent and Management Central. Service Agent can  
be customized to automatically transmit the data regularly on a monthly basis.  
How to Gather Performance Information  
Gathering performance data before installing a release gives you a base with which  
to compare your systems performance after the installation is complete.  
Performance data is also useful when determining the correct hardware  
configuration for your upgrade.  
To gather performance information before you install a release, see the Prepare for  
software installation topic in the Information Center under System planning  
and installation -> Hardware and software -> Software and licensed programs.  
iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Prerequisites Before Placing an Order  
This section will cover the prerequisites of placing an order to upgrade the system.  
These include software-related items, hardware considerations, system  
configuration considerations, and available services that everyone should know  
before placing an order.  
You may also need information about logical partitioning. Refer to the web site:  
Version 4 Software Items  
See the table on supported releases for software upgrades in the book Software  
Installation, SC41-5120-05, to find what versions may be upgraded from and to. For  
example, you must be at V4R4 to upgrade to V4R5 or V5R1.  
The Preparing Program Temporary Fixes Required Before Installing V4R5M0  
Softwaresection in the Software Installation book describes how to apply PTFs.  
Other Software Related Items  
v Determine whether there are any additional software charges that are associated  
with the processor group change. Two passes must be run on the iSeries 400  
configuration program to determine these changes.  
v Determine whether there are any additional usage changes because of the  
user-based pricing that is associated with the software products on the system.  
v Verify with the software service representative, or the business partner, that any  
third party software that you use was tested on the software release level  
v Contact the software service representative for any software considerations and  
restrictions that might apply to the model upgrade.  
1. If you have tape management software, ensure that it uses support that is  
available on your target system. Do the following:  
b. If you receive the message Object QUSTAPEX in library QSYS type *PGM  
not found, you do not have this potential problem with tape management  
c. If you see the Display Object Description display for the QUSTAPEX  
program, press F12 (Cancel). Contact the vendor who supplies your tape  
management software to determine how the vendor will provide equivalent  
support for your target release.  
You may need to order an OS/400 feature called MSE (Media and Storage  
2. For other software related questions, see Technical Studio and the book Software  
Installation, SC41-5120-05.  
Hardware Considerations  
v Ensure that a PC has been properly configured as an Operations Console.  
v Determine the prerequisite engineering changes and program temporary fixes  
(PTFs) that are needed to upgrade the system.  
v Determine the attached input-output devices and the operating system.  
Chapter 2. Planning Your Order for Upgrading or Data Migration  
v Verify with the original equipment manufacturer vendor that any non-IBM  
devices are compatible with the model upgrade and the new software release.  
Note: The customer should request written confirmation of this compatibility  
from the original equipment manufacturer vendor.  
v The target system may have different power requirements than the source  
system. Appropriate planning and preparation by the customer is very  
important. Determine whether you need additional space and power  
requirements for any additional system units or system racks. For more  
information, see Technical Studio at  
v Verify that the target system has a tape drive compatible with the tape format  
used to save information on the source system.  
v Ensure that your marketing representative or IBM business partner is aware of  
the number of ports on your current twinaxial workstation controllers and the  
number of ports you will need on your new model. This will help to ensure that  
the proper model and features get ordered for your upgrade.  
v Ensure that you label the cables of your current system before the upgrade. To  
do this, see the Physical Planning guide in the iSeries Information Center under  
Getting Started with iSeries -> Planning ->Physical planning for your new  
System Configuration Considerations  
v When implementing changes to the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) configuration,  
do it either before or after the upgrade, but never during the upgrade.  
v If you use mirroring, make sure to specify the correct level.  
v A current system configuration list should be available for the hardware service  
representative. The configuration list provides details of your current system  
To print the System Configuration List, do the following:  
1. On the OS/400 Main Menu command line, type STRSST. Then, press the  
Enter key.  
2. Type QSECOFR on the System Service Tool Sign on display and press Enter.  
3. On the STRSST display, select Start a service tool option. Press the Enter key.  
4. On the Start a Service Tool display, select Hardware service manager. Press  
the Enter key.  
5. From the Hardware Service Manager display, press F6 (print configuration).  
6. To return to the OS/400 Main Menu, Press F3 (Exit) twice, and then press the  
Enter key.  
7. Keep the printed list - the service representative will need it.  
Services and Other Assistance  
v Determine whether you need on-site support or services. Appendix A. AS/400  
Global Serviceson page 35 has information about the following:  
IBM Global Services  
iSeries 400 and AS/400 Data Migration Services  
LPAR Planning and Implementation Services  
iSeries Planning and Migration Services  
AS/400 System Migration Services  
10 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Related support services  
iSeries 400 and AS/400 solution services  
v Determine the responsibilities for all upgrade activities. These responsibilities  
Outline the model upgrade activities and the person responsible for each  
activity, as described in Table 4 on page 17.  
Develop an installation plan, a schedule of activities, and a checklist. See the  
SA Advisor in the Expert menu Application on HONE.  
Your IBM Representative may visit the Solutions Assurance Web site:  
Your IBM representative can use marketing tools to get more information:  
- Only your IBM representative can access MKTTOOLS at this Web site:  
- Or on a Virtual Machine (VM) system, the representative types:  
v Order any optional hardware and software publications by using PUBORDER or  
the System Library Subscription Service (SLSS).  
v Determine whether you have any education needs.  
Model-specific Considerations for Placing an Order  
There are unique model-specific considerations when upgrading from one RISC  
model to another RISC model. Before placing an order, everyone involved in the  
upgrade process should review these upgrade considerations:  
v The prerequisite for migrating SPD book-type adapter cards is an Model S20, S30,  
S40, SB1, 620, 640, 650, 720, 730, or 740.  
v There is concurrent disk unit maintenance.  
v You can use the alternate IPL device function for any installation or recovery  
that requires replacing Licensed Internal Code or other licensed programs. Some  
models might require an alternate installation device. You can use this device  
for installing distribution tapes that were created by a central site, or for  
recovery, using a SAVSYS tape. The Appendix about alternate installation  
devices of the Software Installation manual describes the alternate installation  
device function and identifies situations in which older tape devices may require  
its use. The Appendix also describes how to set up, enable, or disable an  
alternate installation device. A PDF version of this manual is available from the  
iSeries Information Center under System planning and installation ->  
Hardware and software -> Software and licensed programs -> Install software  
Note: In Models S10, S20, 600, 620 and 720, the input-output processor (IOP) to  
which certain older tape devices connect, require an expansion unit in  
order to use the devices. The following tape devices are affected: 2440,  
3422, 3430, 3480, 9347, 7208-002, and some models of 3490. Other 7208  
models and 3490 models Exx, C11, and C22 are supported without an  
expansion unit. Models 3490 C1A and C2A can be converted to Small  
Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) format, which is supported without an  
expansion unit. If you use older tape devices as alternate installation  
devices, on Models S10, S20, 600,620 and 720, you need the expansion  
unit. You need to set up the devices as alternate installation devices.  
v Models Sxx and 6xx have a new internal-external SCSI input-output adapter.  
Chapter 2. Planning Your Order for Upgrading or Data Migration 11  
v Be aware that upgrades to an AS/400 or iSeries server may require wiring  
changes to a building. For more information, see Technical Studio at  
The customer should work with the marketing representative to schedule a  
system assurance meeting to review all of the following activities.  
Note: This meeting should include the customer, IBM marketing representative,  
hardware service representative, software service representative, and any  
non-IBM software service representative.  
v Review memory considerations as follows:  
Net-priced main storage feature exchanges are not available when upgrading  
to another AS/400 PowerPC AS model. In addition, you cannot exchange  
AS/400 or iSeries 400 memory cards for credit toward the purchase of newer  
or larger AS/400 or iSeries 400 memory cards. To reduce the necessity for  
future memory exchanges, the customer should order sufficient memory card  
sizes for future growth requirements.  
Main storage for AS/400 Models 400®, 500, and 530 is not compatible with  
each other.  
Main storage for AS/400 Models 40S, 50S, and 53S is not compatible with  
each other.  
You must plug in main storage cards in equally-sized pairs for the Model 500  
Feature Processor 2142. Therefore, it might not be possible to reuse all of the  
main storage cards from the previous feature processor (2140 or 2141).  
You must plug in main storage cards in equally-sized pairs for the AS/400  
Models 510 and 530 and the AS/400 Models 50S and 53S.  
v Ensure that you know how to accomplish RAID protection on a migrated  
internal disk unit. You must have an attachment to a Feature Code for a high  
availability DASD controller (for example, 6502, 6512, 6532, 2726, or 2740).  
Note: In order to avoid additional charges for the IBM service representatives  
time, perform ASP management after completion of the hardware  
v Be prepared to delete the old device description and create a new one, if the  
type of console changes.  
v Review and confirm the hardware and software order.  
v Some systems have a mix of unsupported disk unit devices. If the system has  
such a mix, consider one of the following:  
Purchase additional supported disk unit devices in order to enable the  
removal of all unsupported devices before the model upgrade.  
Purchase AS/400 Data Migration Services.  
Upgrading from a 4xx, 5xx, Sxx, or 6xx to a 7xx  
Many installed AS/400 Models 4xx, 5xx, 6xx, and Sxx (except SB1) can be  
upgraded to an AS/400 Model 7xx.  
All system units and expansion units have locations for features including  
processors, main storage, power, expansion units, disk units, tape drives, CD-ROM  
drive, and IOPs. Some restrictions may apply to certain combinations of features.  
The configurator contains the rules and performance considerations for placement  
12 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
of these features. It should be used to ensure a valid configuration. The use of  
performance tools may also help in optimizing a configuration to match a specific  
set of requirements.  
Note: When ordering a model upgrade from a mixed-mode server (S20, S30, S40)  
to AS/400 7xx servers, an Interactive Specify code must be on the model Sxx  
inventory record prior to ordering the model upgrade. The configurator will  
generate a Record Purpose Only (RPO) order to add a zero-priced  
Interactive Specify code to the installed mixed-mode server prior to the  
upgrade. This is a required step.  
Sxx Interactive Specify codes that the configurator will add:  
v Model S20 Interactive Specify codes  
v Model S30 Interactive Specify codes  
v Model S40 Interactive Specify codes  
Migrating from a 5xx to an 8xx  
When migrating SPD expansion units from an AS/400 Model 5xx or from any  
unsupported path to an iSeries Model 8xx, the order must have a migration  
expansion unit included.  
IBM does not provide a pre-planned or pre-programmed upgrade from a Model  
5xx to a Model 8xx. The user who wants to move I/O to 8xx hardware will have  
to analyze their current configuration and determine what will and will not move  
and plan the sequence of actions to make it happen. Here are some general  
v SPD I/O expansion unit can not be directly attached to an 8xx. A migration  
expansion unit with SPD capability is required. If you have a Model 830 or 840  
and do not have a migration expansion unit yet, a migration expansion unit  
(migration expansion unit II), FC #5077 (and perhaps an FC #5057 expansion  
unit), should be ordered. IBM does not offer an option to order a migration  
expansion unit (migration expansion unit I) which could attach to an 820.  
v SPD IOPs can not be inserted into an 8xx except via SPD slots in a migration  
expansion unit or in SPD I/O expansion unit attached via a migration expansion  
v Not all I/O is supported by V4R5 or V5R1 on an 8xx. There were several older  
disk units, tape drives, IOPs, and so forth, which were no longer supported as of  
v The I/O expansion unit, on a Model 500 or 510 only has a 266 Mbps Optical bus  
Adapter which is too slow for the migration expansion unit to support. Using  
the S40388 RPQ, the expansion unit can be converted to a faster I/O expansion  
unit with a 1063 Mbps Optical Bus Adapter.  
v Since V4R5, the only type of PC console that an 8xx system supports is  
Operations Console.  
Chapter 2. Planning Your Order for Upgrading or Data Migration 13  
v Planning assistance from IBM Global Services or from an IBM Business Partner  
may be very helpful if this is an unfamiliar area to the customer.  
Upgrading from a 6xx or 7xx to an 8xx  
Many installed AS/400 Models 6xx and 7xx, except SB1, can be upgraded to an  
iSeries 400 Model 8xx. 8xx models require V4R5 or later versions of OS/400  
depending on the hardware function required.  
All system units and expansion units have locations for features including  
processors, main storage, power, expansion units, disk units, tape drives, CD-ROM  
drive, and IOPs. Some restrictions may apply to certain combinations of features.  
The configurator is used by your marketing representative or business partner. It  
contains the rules and performance considerations for placement of these features.  
It should be used to ensure a valid configuration. The use of performance tools  
may also help in optimizing a configuration to match a specific set of  
Placing the Upgrade Order  
After you have identified what is necessary for the upgrade, continue with the  
following sections:  
Who is Responsible for Ordering the Upgrade?  
The following tables show a check-off sequence for tasks during the ordering  
Note: IBM Services personnel may perform the customer activities for a fee.  
Table 1. Tasks and Responsibilities for Ordering  
Tasks and Responsibilities for Ordering  
Person Responsible  
Understand objectives and needs  
Marketing Representative  
Marketing Representative, Customer  
Know existing system. Print system  
configuration list.  
Use the AS/400 Configurator  
Determine prerequisites  
Marketing Representative, Business Partner  
Marketing Representative, Business Partner,  
Software Service Representative  
Determine current running release  
Marketing Representative, Business Partner,  
Determine release-level requirements before Marketing Representative, Business Partner  
model upgrade  
Determine responsibilities  
Customer Account Team Leader  
Determine documentation and education  
Marketing Representative, Business Partner  
Determine physical needs  
Customer, Business Partner  
Determine special needs (for example,  
Marketing Representative, Business Partner,  
Determine upgrade path  
Marketing Representative, Business Partner,  
14 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Table 2. Tasks and Responsibilities for Ordering Software  
Tasks and Responsibilities for Ordering  
Person Responsible  
Order software release  
Customer, who may need assistance from a  
Marketing Representative or Business  
Order program temporary fixes (PTFs)  
Order publications  
Customer, who may need assistance from a  
Marketing Representative or Business  
Customer, Marketing Representative,  
Business Partner  
Table 3. Tasks and Responsibilities for Ordering Hardware  
Tasks and Responsibilities for Ordering  
Person Responsible  
Order engineering changes  
Marketing Representative, Business Partner  
Marketing Representative, Business Partner  
Run the iSeries 400 or AS/400 configurator  
to place the order  
Order publications  
Marketing Representative, Business Partner  
Contact your local IBM representative or authorized dealer to place the order or  
for further assistance.  
How to Get Help with the Order  
Ordering assistance is available from IBM. When you type GO ORDER on the  
command line and press the Enter key, the Request Order Assistance display  
Note: If you need assistance when trying to place an order, you can also use the  
Request Order Assistance (RQSORDAST) command to request assistance  
from IBM.  
Use the Request Order Assistance display as follows:  
v Type in your telephone number and your name.  
v Verify the accuracy of other contact information.  
v Press the Enter key.  
v Type a short description of your needs.  
v Press F10 (send) to send the file to IBM.  
Sending the Order to IBM  
The RQSORDAST command can send a list which contains your current iSeries  
400 or AS/400 system configuration, with your order. IBM uses this list to assess  
your ordering needs.  
Sending the Order to a Software Service Provider Other Than  
You can send your order request to IBM or to a provider other than IBM. When  
you send your order request to a provider other than IBM, you can use the  
RQSORDAST command to communicate with the provider. The provider can send  
Chapter 2. Planning Your Order for Upgrading or Data Migration 15  
you a response electronically. You can use the WRKORDRQS command to view the  
response and manage the order request. The provider will fill your order or  
forward your request to IBM.  
16 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Chapter 3. Procedure for an Upgrade (RISC-to-RISC)  
After you finish reviewing this chapter, you should have performed the upgrade  
tasks and obtained the outputs outlined in the Upgrade process flowon page 2  
(except for the planning tasks and outputs already covered in Chapter 2. Planning  
Who is Responsible for Upgrading the System  
The following table establishes a check-off list for task responsibilities in  
preparation for and during the upgrade. The list is arranged in the sequence the  
tasks should be done.  
IBM Services can be provided for additional cost to assist customers.  
For customer install systems and servers such as Model 170, follow the instructions  
that came with the system.  
Table 4. Tasks and Responsibilities for the Upgrade Path  
Person Responsible  
Consider needs for installation  
Customer, Business Partner, Software  
Service Representative, Hardware Service  
Establish tentative installation date  
Customer and their authorized  
Read preventive service planning (PSP) information  
Save the system, full save  
Install Target Software Release and appropriate PTFs  
Verify that all applications are running  
Record performance and evaluate  
Complete physical planning  
Save the system, full save  
Contact customer Hardware Service Representative and  
schedule the upgrade after the order arrives  
System Assurance  
Hardware Service Representative  
Verify the following:  
v Prerequisite Engineering Changes are installed  
v Customer has installed all required PTFs  
v Correct operating system level  
v Customer has backed up the system, including all  
customer data  
Inventory parts received from IBM as part of the upgrade Hardware Service Representative  
Run Work with Hardware Products (WRKHDWPRD)  
command option 4  
Hardware Service Representative  
Upgrade hardware using parts shipped from IBM and the Hardware Service Representative  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001  
Table 4. Tasks and Responsibilities for the Upgrade Path (continued)  
Person Responsible  
Save the system, just a system save  
Run WRKHDWPRD command option 5 if OS/400 is on  
the target system at the completion of the upgrade  
Configure extra devices (DASD, for example)  
Tune performance  
Perform Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)  
and mirroring steps  
Save the system, full save  
Hold post-installation meeting  
Customer Account Team Leader  
Marketing Representative  
Ensure IBM systems are accurate and updated  
What to Do When the Hardware Arrives  
When the hardware arrives, the customer should notify the hardware service  
representative and schedule a time for system assurance checkpoint prior to the  
hardware installation (MES upgrade).  
1. For customer install systems follow the instructions that came with your server  
to get set up. If you are replacing an existing system while preserving the  
original serial number, use the data migration section of this book.  
2. The customer must have at least 64MB of memory or arrange to have  
additional memory installed before the upgrade can proceed. For more  
information on prerequisites prior to an upgrade, see the manual Software  
Installation, SC41-5120-05. A PDF version of this manual is available from the  
iSeries Information Center under System planning and installation ->  
Hardware and software -> Software and licensed programs -> Install  
Preparing the Current System  
In this section, you will be asked to save your system several times. IBM strongly  
recommends that you save your system when instructed to do so. Saving your  
system allows you to have recovery data in case of disaster.  
Approximately two weeks before the hardware service representative arrives, the  
customer should do the following:  
__ 1. Acquire the preventive service planning information (see Appendix C.  
from electronic customer support, if available, or from the software service  
__ 2. For information pertaining to logical partitions, see the Logical Partitions  
topic under Systems Management in the iSeries Information Center. There  
are some specific steps to perform for upgrading a server with primary  
and secondary partitions installed.  
__ 3. For considerations when upgrading to 5769-RD1 OnDemand, see  
18 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
__ 4. For considerations when upgrading an AS/400 or iSeries 400 server with  
OptiConnect installed, see the book OptiConnect for OS/400, SC41-5414-02.  
__ 5. For considerations when upgrading an AS/400 or iSeries 400 server with  
Integrated Netfinity® Server installed, see the book Getting Started with  
Integrated Netfinity Server, SC41-5123-01.  
record the performance of your system.  
This is where you load the new operating system.  
__ 7. See the manual Software Installation, SC41-5120-05 to install software (for  
example, Licensed Internal Code, operating system, PTFs, etc.). Install  
software for the required and desired partitions. A PDF version of this  
manual is available from the iSeries Information Center under System  
planning and installation -> Hardware and software -> Software and  
licensed programs -> Install software.  
Important: If you are using logical partitions, update all your partitions to  
V5R1, if needed.  
__ 8. Delete any unused device configuration descriptions (delete unused line,  
line descriptions, and non-reporting resources).  
Important: To delete line and device and descriptions, use the WRKLIND and  
WRKDEVD commands and verify that all the descriptions listed are in use. If  
you are sure one is not, you should delete it. If you are not sure, you  
should leave it.  
Table 5. Clear non-reporting resources on each LPAR Partition.  
LPAR Primary  
LPAR Secondary  
Use the Hardware Service  
Manager service option to  
remove non-reporting  
Use the Hardware Service  
Manager service option to  
remove non-reporting  
Use the same procedure as  
described for the LPAR  
Primary for each Secondary  
resources that no longer are resources that no longer are Partition that is configured.  
associated with existing  
associated with existing  
Attention: Ensure all I/O  
resources are assigned to a  
__ 9. Before proceeding with the next step, make that sure during step 7, you  
obtained or performed the following:  
a. OS/400 is current (You determined whether you needed to replace  
software and replaced Licensed Internal Code, operating system, and  
licensed programs if needed.)  
b. PTFs are current  
c. Saved your current system (recommended as recovery data in case of  
__ 10. If you do not have a current system backup that allows you to recover in  
case of disaster, save the entire system on each partition. Make sure that  
you save the system and data on a tape unit that is compatible with the  
tape unit on the target system. To save the system, use option 21 on the  
Save menu. For more information about saving the entire system using  
option 21, refer to any of the following:  
v The chapter on saving your iSeries server in the manual Backup and  
Recovery, SC41-5304-05. A PDF version of this manual is available from  
Chapter 3. Procedure for an Upgrade (RISC-to-RISC) 19  
the Information Center under Systems Management -> Backup,  
recovery, and availability -> Manuals and Redbooks.  
v The Backup, recovery, and availability topic under Systems  
Management in the Information Center:  
To find the procedure for saving the entire system (using option 21) in  
the Information Center, do the following:  
a. Click Systems Management  
b. Click Backup, recovery, and availability  
c. Click Backing up your server  
d. Click Saving your server with the GO SAVE command  
e. Click Saving your whole server with GO SAVE: Option 21  
__ 11. Resume normal system operations and processing.  
__ 12. To verify that all your applications are running properly, use the system  
with the new software release until you feel comfortable with the new  
production environment. For example, many customers use the system  
for 2 weeks or longer.  
Preparing for System Assurance prior to hardware upgrade  
Before the hardware upgrade is to take place, the customer should do the  
__ 1. Ensure that the currently installed machine and LPAR partitions are  
No LPAR or LPAR Primary Partition  
Secondary LPAR Partitions  
Before proceeding with the MES Installation, Use the same procedure as described for the  
where possible, use (A) or (B) to document  
the installed iSeries server. Use an  
appropriate method:  
primary partition for each secondary  
partition that is configured.  
(A) - If your country supports the  
WRKORDINF command and if the installed  
iSeries server is capable of using Electronic  
Customer Support (ECS), use this method:  
On the command line, type WRKORDINF,  
then press Enter.  
On the next screen, enter Option 1 in the  
Option field next to QMAnnnnn  
Note: nnnnn is the serial number of the  
machine, press enter. Write ECSon the top  
of the RMER form.  
(B) - Use this method if the installed iSeries  
server is not ECS capable, or you cannot use  
Afor another reason: On the command line  
type DSPSFWRSC *PRINT, press enter.  
Retrieve hard copy listing from the system  
printer. Attach the listing to the RMER. If no  
RMER form is present, then ignore this step.  
20 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
__ 2. Print Disk Configuration Status of the installed system.  
No LPAR or LPAR Primary Partition  
Secondary LPAR Partitions  
Find disk configuration information using  
the System Service Tools (SST).  
Use the same procedure as described for the  
primary partition for each secondary  
partition that is configured. Record the S/N  
of the load source disk unit for each  
partition on the system.  
a. Ensure you sign on to the system with  
the user profile (such as QSRV).  
b. Enter the command, STRSST, to start SST.  
c. Select option to Work with Disk Units.  
d. Select option to Display Disk  
e. At the Display Disk Configuration Status  
display, print the entire disk  
configuration by using the print screen  
function. Ensure all the disk  
configuration information is printed.  
Note: If you have trouble getting your  
printed output, systems with OS/400  
installed can use AS/400 Operational  
a. Enter the command GO ASSIST, to get to  
the AS/400 Operational Assistant Menu.  
b. Select the option to Work with Printer  
__ 3. Print Parity Set Configuration and Status of the Installed system.  
No LPAR or LPAR Primary Partition  
Secondary LPAR Partitions  
Use the same procedure as described for the  
Primary Partition for each Secondary  
Partition that is configured.  
a. Enter the command, STRSST, to start SST.  
b. Type QSECOFR on the System Service Tool  
Sign on display and press Enter.  
c. Select option to Work with Disk Units.  
d. Select Display Disk Configuration.  
e. Select Display Device Parity Status.  
f. At the Display Disk Parity Set Status  
display, print the entire Parity Set  
configurations using the print screen  
DASD MES Notes:  
Attention: Parity Sets can only be moved  
when the protection status shows Active.  
ASP management tasks, such as  
re-configuring RAID arrays or significant  
protection changes, are generally billable to  
the customer.  
Ensure this is discussed before the upgrade.  
__ 4. If you do not have a current system backup that allows you to recover in  
case of disaster, save the entire system on each partition just before the  
hardware upgrade is to be started. Make sure that you save the system and  
data on a tape unit that is compatible with the tape unit on the target  
Chapter 3. Procedure for an Upgrade (RISC-to-RISC) 21  
system. To save the system, use option 21 on the Save menu. For more  
information about saving the entire system using option 21, refer to any of  
the following:  
v The chapter on saving your iSeries 400 server in the manual Backup and  
Recovery, SC41-5304-05. A PDF version of this manual is available from the  
Information Center under Systems Management -> Backup, recovery,  
and availability -> Manuals and Redbooks.  
v The Backup, recovery, and availability topic under Systems  
Management in the Information Center:  
To find the procedure for saving the entire system (using option 21) in the  
Information Center, do the following:  
a. Click Systems Management  
b. Click Backup, recovery, and availability  
c. Click Backing up your server  
d. Click Saving your server with the GO SAVE command  
e. Click Saving your whole server with GO SAVE: Option 21  
__ 5. Enter the command WRKDSKSTS OUTPUT (*PRINT) to get disk  
configuration and protection information. Use this printout to help analyze the  
disk unit configuration and protection.  
If you want a different configuration after the upgrade, use this printout to  
plan for the desired configuration. Before you power down the system to  
perform the hardware upgrade, you must logically remove any disk unit  
that you will move during the upgrade.  
__ 6. Use the Retrieve Configuration Source (RTVCFGSRC) command for the  
existing line, controller, and device descriptions. The configuration source is  
needed if any configuration objects must be manually changed or re-created.  
The RTVCFGSRC command builds a source file member for specified  
configuration objects. This source file can be converted later to a control  
language program. Keep updated records of all hardware and configuration  
objects. Before and after every upgrade, you can generate a report of your  
hardware and configuration objects. (From each partition) type the following  
Make certain that the printouts are marked as to which partition they  
__ 7. Run the WRKHDWPRD command, option 4 to display and verify the  
information. Use F17 to print the information for the service representative.  
__ 8. Print the LPAR configuration  
LPAR Primary Partition  
LPAR Secondary Partition  
No action required, skip to  
the next numbered step.  
On the Primary Partition,  
Use the Work with Logical  
Partition utility under SST to  
Print the Logical Partition  
No action required on  
Secondary Partitions.  
22 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
__ 9. Print the status of all PTFs on the system (each system partition if LPAR)  
after installing the V5R1 software and before the hardware upgrade. Type  
the following command:  
System Assurance Checkpoint  
The customer needs to ensure that the following is completed before the  
hardware service representative arrives:  
1. Verify that the physical planning items were completed:  
v High Speed Link cable diagram  
v Floor plan, system layout diagram  
v Cable labelling  
To complete the items, see the Physical Planning in the iSeries Information  
Center under Getting Started with iSeries -> Planning ->Physical planning  
for your new system.  
2. Ensure that you have installed the latest V5R1 cumulative PTF package and  
specific software release PTFs on all partitions. Refer to step 7 on page 19.  
3. Verify that you have the latest full system backup (Save option 21) tapes on  
hand and labeled. Refer to step 4 on page 21.  
4. Verify the availability of a compatible alternate IPL device (CD-ROM or tape  
unit attached to the system bus 1). If the system uses an alternate installation  
device (CD-ROM, DVD, or tape unit attached to a bus other than the system  
bus 1) for installation or restore operations, ensure the availability of the  
location information for that device.  
Note: If a tape unit is attached to a bus other than the system bus 1, record the  
following information about the tape unit location:  
v Type and model  
v System bus  
v System card  
This information is necessary to set up and enable the tape unit as an  
alternate installation device. For more information about alternate  
installation devices, go to the Software Installation manual. A PDF version  
of this manual is available from the iSeries Information Center under  
System planning and installation -> Hardware and software ->  
Software and licensed programs -> Install software.  
5. Ensure that the console device is available and ready. For information about  
setting up and configuring Operations Console, see the manual Operations  
Console Setup, SC41-5508-02. A PDF version of this manual is available from the  
iSeries Information Center under Client Access Express -> Manuals and  
6. Verify that you have the following printouts on hand (refer to step 1 on page 20  
through step 9):  
v Latest system configuration list  
v Latest device descriptions printout on hand  
v Latest controller descriptions printout on hand  
v Latest PTF level printout on hand  
v Latest complete and accurate label location chart or worksheet on hand  
Chapter 3. Procedure for an Upgrade (RISC-to-RISC) 23  
7. Verify that prerequisite hardware changes are installed or are available to install  
on all system components and input or output devices.  
8. Document the IPL status for all your partitions. Then, set the IPL System Action  
for each Secondary Partition:  
LPAR Primary Partition  
LPAR Secondary Partition  
No action Required, skip to  
the next numbered step.  
Under the Primary Partition, No action required.  
Use the Work with System  
Partitions utility to select  
each Secondary Partition and  
set each IPL System Action  
to HOLD.  
9. As appropriate, confirm the schedule for the hardware upgrade.  
10. If you do not have a current system backup that allows you to recover in case  
of disaster, save the entire system on each partition just before the hardware  
upgrade is to be started. Make sure that you save the system and data on a  
tape unit that is compatible with the tape unit on the target system. To save  
the system, use option 21 on the Save menu. For more information about  
saving the entire system using option 21, refer to any of the following:  
v The chapter on saving your iSeries server in the manual Backup and  
Recovery, SC41-5304-05. A PDF version of this manual is available from the  
Information Center under Systems Management -> Backup, recovery, and  
availability -> Manuals and Redbooks.  
v The Backup, recovery, and availability topic under Systems Management  
in the Information Center:  
To find the procedure for saving the entire system (using option 21) in the  
Information Center, do the following:  
a. Click Systems Management  
b. Click Backup, recovery, and availability  
c. Click Backing up your server  
d. Click Saving your server with the GO SAVE command  
e. Click Saving your whole server with GO SAVE: Option 21  
Installing the Hardware for the RISC-to-RISC Upgrade  
The hardware service representative should do the following:  
1. Participate in the system assurance checkpoint (refer to System Assurance  
2. Perform the model upgrade.  
3. Prepare any parts that need to be sent to IBM.  
4. Perform any contracted relocation or rearrangement services prior to returning  
the system to the customer for their use.  
5. Perform normal cleanup and housekeeping tasks. This includes proper  
reporting of time and activities, including any fee-based services delivered.  
6. Provide the customer with critical resource documentation.  
Managing your new system I/O resources  
After the hardware is installed, the customer should do the following:  
24 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
In the next few steps the customer will be required to use the information from the  
service representative to finish the resource management on the new server. The  
goal of these steps is to ensure the server is set up and running to the customers  
needs. You will be asked to save your system. IBM strongly recommends that you  
save your system when instructed to do so. Saving your system allows you to  
have recovery data in case of disaster.  
__ 1. Ensure that you received the source systems label locations printout from  
the hardware service representative (refer to step 7 on page 22). This is  
used to get the hardware resources correctly assigned to resource names.  
__ 2. Continue the initial program load (IPL) by selecting option 1 from the IPL  
or Install the System screen.  
a. You might see a disk unit format optimize warning message. IBM  
suggests that you handle this disk optimization and protection later. See  
b. If the Add All Disk Units to the System ASP screen appears, IBM  
recommends that you wait and add the disk units at step 3 on page 29.  
Changing the QIPLTYPE system value may result in receiving the system  
reference code (SRC) A900 2000.  
SRC A900 2000  
You might see the SRC A900 2000 on the control panel display of the  
system unit. Or, you might receive message CPF0975 Console did not  
vary on on the console display. This SRC and message appear if there  
is no device description for the console display. They might also  
appear if the QIPLTYPE system value is set to 2.  
This SRC and message are normal during the upgrade procedure. The  
SRC will disappear when you perform a normal IPL later in the  
upgrade procedure.  
If no workstation on your system is operational when you receive  
SRC A900 2000, continue with SRC A900 2000 Recoveryon page 40.  
Note: The System reference codes and primary partitions topic, located in  
the Information Center under System planning and installation ->  
Getting started with iSeries -> Managing system operations ->  
Starting and stopping the iSeries, describes other SRCs that you  
might see during a manual IPL.  
__ 3. Sign on to the system as the security officer using the QSECOFR user  
__ 4. At the IPL Options screen verify the date and time. Verify that the following  
items are set as follows. If any of these items are not correct, change them  
now as shown in the example below.  
Start print writers = N  
Start to system to restricted state = Y  
Define or change system at IPL = Y  
__ 5. After the IPL completes, use the Work with Configuration Status  
(WRKCFGSTS) *LIN *ALL command to ensure that all communications  
lines are varied off.  
Chapter 3. Procedure for an Upgrade (RISC-to-RISC) 25  
__ 6. Vary off all devices, except the display station in use as the console. Use  
the WRKCFGSTS *DEV command to display a list of devices. Note that the  
console is assigned to the QCTL controller.  
__ 7. Use the WRKCFGSTS *CTL *ALL command to ensure that all controllers  
are varied off.  
__ 8. Use the label location worksheet to assist you with the upgrade process.  
On it, the service representative should have indicated controllers (and  
devices) that are in different locations than they were on your source  
system. You must correct resource names to be able to access the devices  
on your system.  
__ 9. Run the WRKHDWPRD command to determine whether devices are in  
different locations than they were on the source system.  
a. On the command line, type WRKHDWPRD and press the Enter key.  
b. On the Work with hardware products display, select the Change description  
label locations option. Press the Enter key.  
c. Read the information on the Using Change Label Locations display and  
press the Enter key.  
d. Compare the label information on the display with the source systems  
label locations. The source systems label locations should have been  
written down before the hardware upgrade took place (see step 7 on  
page 22). Label information matches if the Label column on the display  
matches what the source system had. Label information does not match  
if any one of the following is true:  
v The display has label information, but the source system did not  
have label information in that location.  
v The source system label information does not match the information  
found in the Label column on the display.  
v *NONE appears in the Label column on the display, and there is label  
information for the source system.  
Note: When *NONE appears in the Label column for a controller or  
device that was added or upgraded, select option 2. Then  
select the correct label description from the list provided. If  
any problems arise from this, call your service provider.  
v *INCORRECT or *INVALID appears in the Label column.  
This means that the type and model number of the hardware  
resource information does not match the type and model of the  
configuration description that is currently associated with that  
resource. The system cannot vary on the configuration description.  
v *INCORRECT where the physical location is also **.  
This identifies a controller or device description that no longer has a  
valid resource on the system.  
e. Do you have any locations that do not match the label information on  
the system?  
Note: It is normal for the resource names to change during the upgrade  
process. Do not use the resource name information from other  
displays to match the labels.  
YES - Go to step 9f on page 27.  
26 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
NO - The system label information is the same as the (physical) label.  
Go to step 10.  
f. On the Change Description Label Locations display, type 2 in the Opt  
column for each location that requires a label change. Press the Enter  
Note: You may make more than one selection at a time, but if More...  
appears on the bottom of the display, do not press the Enter key.  
Page forward to select the remaining labels.  
g. The Change Description Label display appears.  
A list of possible label names is shown. To select the label name (on the  
display) that matches the label that was on the source system, perform  
the following:  
v Type 1 in the Opt column for each location that you want to change.  
v Press the Enter key.  
Note: If you cannot find the label (on the display) that matches the  
label on the source system, contact your hardware service  
h. If you chose to change more than one item, the Change Description Label  
display appears for the next label. A message at the bottom of the  
display indicates whether the previous change was successful.  
i. For all the labels that need a change, repeat the previous three steps.  
j. After you change the last label, the Change Description Label Locations  
display appears with the updated information. A message at the bottom  
of the display indicates whether the last change was successful. If  
More... appears on the bottom of the display, scroll forward to view  
more information.  
k. Press the F17 key on the Change Description Label display to request a  
printout of the new information for your records.  
Note: The printout will be in the default output queue for your  
workstation. You can print it later when you vary on your printer  
devices and start printer writers.  
l. Verify that the labels on the printout match the labels in the Label  
column on your source system. If you find any errors, go back to step 9f  
and repeat the steps.  
Attention: Do not exchange cards for problem analysis purposes. Card  
and device serial numbers are tied to the system configuration.  
__ 10. The Change Description Label Locations display appears. Determine whether  
the new target system has more storage or communications lines than the  
source had. If that is the case, check the work management objects. To do  
this, see the Work management topic under Systems Management in the  
Information Center.  
Chapter 3. Procedure for an Upgrade (RISC-to-RISC) 27  
Performing a new system backup  
__ 1. Perform a normal IPL:  
LPAR Primary Partition  
LPAR Secondary Partition  
Perform the following:  
Perform the steps in the No Perform the steps in the No  
LPAR column after verifying LPAR column (set partitions  
that all secondary partitions to B Normal mode, and then  
a. Make sure that the  
system is set to B and  
Normal (N) mode before  
performing the power  
down and subsequent  
IPL of the system.  
are powered down.  
power down and perform an  
IPL on the partitions), using  
appropriate LPAR service  
tool steps, only after  
successfully performing a  
normal IPL of the primary  
For information about  
powering down a system,  
see the Powering down a  
system with logical  
partitions topic in the  
Information Center under  
Systems Management ->  
Logical partitions ->  
b. Once the system is set to  
B and Normal mode,  
follow these steps:  
1) Type PWRDWNSYS on  
the command line  
and prompt on the  
For instructions on setting  
the IPL mode, powering  
Managing logical partitions down, and performing an  
command (Press F4). -> Restarting and powering IPL on secondary partitions,  
down a system with logical see the Restarting and  
2) Make sure that you  
powering down a system  
with logical partitions  
topic in the Information  
Center under Systems  
Management -> Logical  
partitions -> Managing  
logical partitions.  
select these options  
for the PWRDWNSYS  
v For How to end,  
v For Delay time, if  
*CNTRLD, 3600  
(use the default  
value, in seconds,  
or the value that  
you consider  
appropriate given  
your software and  
system settings)  
v For Restart after  
power down, *YES  
v For IPL Source,  
SRC A900 2000 should not appear on the control panel when the IPL  
completes. If SRC A900 2000 does appear and you are using Operations  
Console, you must perform an IPL in Manual mode (M) on the system to  
arrive at the Dedicated Service Tools (DST). Then, in DST, set the console  
mode system value to Operations Console, and continue the IPL to sign on.  
To set the system to manual mode, do the following:  
v For systems without logical partitions, see the Changing operating modes  
and IPL types topic in the Information Center under System hardware ->  
Restarting the system (IPL) -> IPL type.  
v For systems with logical partitions, see the Changing operating mode for  
a logical partition topic in the Information Center under Systems  
Management -> Logical partitions -> Managing logical partitions ->  
Restarting and powering down a system with logical partitions.  
28 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
To set the console mode to Operations Console at DST, do the following  
starting at the DST main menu:  
a. Select Work with DST environment.  
b. Select System devices.  
c. Select Console mode.  
d. Depending on your Operations Console configuration, select either  
Operations Console (LAN) or Operations Console (Direct).  
e. Exit Dedicated Service Tools.  
A normal IPL after this process should clear SRC A900 2000.  
__ 2. If you want to start device parity on any non-configured units, do it now.  
For more information, see the manual Backup and Recovery, SC41-5304-05. A  
PDF version of this manual is available from the Information Center under  
Systems Management -> Backup, recovery, and availability -> Manuals  
and Redbooks.  
__ 3. Perform disk unit management (for example, manage disk protection and  
disk configuration). To do this, you can use the Work with Disk Units option  
from the Dedicated Service Tools display. For more information, see the  
manual Backup and Recovery, SC41-5304-05. A PDF version of this manual is  
available from the Information Center under Systems Management ->  
Backup, recovery, and availability -> Manuals and Redbooks.  
__ 4. Save the entire system just after the hardware upgrade is done. Use option  
21 on the Save menu. For more information about saving the entire system  
using option 21, refer to any of the following:  
v The chapter on saving your iSeries server in the manual Backup and  
Recovery, SC41-5304-05. A PDF version of this manual is available from the  
Information Center under Systems Management -> Backup, recovery,  
and availability -> Manuals and Redbooks.  
v The Backup, recovery, and availability topic under Systems  
Management in the Information Center:  
To find the procedure for saving the entire system (using option 21) in the  
Information Center, do the following:  
a. Click Systems Management  
b. Click Backup, recovery, and availability  
c. Click Backing up your server  
d. Click Saving your server with the GO SAVE command  
e. Click Saving your whole server with GO SAVE: Option 21  
__ 5. Generate reports of the hardware and configuration objects (for each  
partition) by issuing the following commands:  
__ 6. Print a new system configuration list using Start a service tool option.  
a. Do the following on the OS/400 Main menu command line:  
Type Start System Service Tools (STRSST).  
Press the Enter key.  
Chapter 3. Procedure for an Upgrade (RISC-to-RISC) 29  
b. Type QSECOFR on the System Service Tool Sign on display and press  
c. Select Start a service tool option. Press the Enter key.  
d. On the Start a Service Tool display, select Hardware service manager. Press  
the Enter key.  
e. From the Hardware Service Manager display, press F6 (print configuration).  
f. To return to the AS/400 Main menu, press F3 (Exit) twice. Then, press the  
Enter key.  
g. Keep the list for future reference.  
__ 7. For LPAR systems:  
LPAR Primary Partition  
LPAR Secondary Partition  
No action Required, skip to  
the next numbered step.  
Go to the Information Center After the primary is  
(CD-ROM or online) and  
follow the procedures on  
how to restore an LPAR  
system after an upgrade.  
configured properly, follow  
the steps to recover the  
secondary partition  
configurations. After  
recovering the original  
secondary partitions, more  
secondary partitions may be  
__ 8. If you receive the disk unit format warning screen during the first IPL (IPL  
started at step 2 on page 25), then the disk unit format might need to be  
optimized. For more information, see the manual Backup and Recovery,  
SC41-5304-05. A PDF version of this manual is available from the  
Information Center under Systems Management -> Backup, recovery, and  
availability -> Manuals and Redbooks.  
__ 9. Resume normal operations and verify that all your applications run  
properly. IBM recommends that you tune the system performance. There are  
billable services available that can do this for you. You can find information  
about performance tuning in the Work Management manual. A PDF version  
of this manual is available from the iSeries Information Center under  
Systems Management -> Work management-> Work Management  
30 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Chapter 4. Procedure for a Data Migration (RISC-to-RISC)  
This chapter guides you through a data migration (RISC to RISC) that moves data  
from one iSeries model server to another. It requires two servers with unique serial  
numbers. To migrate data from one iSeries 400 server to an upgraded model that  
retains the original serial number, refer to Chapter 3. Procedure for an Upgrade  
Prerequisites for data migration (RISC to RISC)  
This procedure assumes that:  
v The target system is set up and is running, with only SLIC and the base OS  
installed (FC 0205) and that the DASD has been configured for ASP 1. For help  
with DASD configuration, you may wish to investigate the IBM billable service  
DASD management.  
v You have completed a clean-up of the source system, and obtained current  
performance benchmarks.  
Note: Failure to obtain performance benchmarks may make it extremely difficult  
to provide support for your iSeries system after moving to the new  
model. IBM strongly recommends that you maintain performance  
benchmarks of your system before and after a migration.  
v Completed a recovery backup of your source system, at the previous release  
Preparing the source system for the migration  
This procedure assumes that you have:  
_ Loaded the new OS/400 version on your source system, and brought all  
existing objects and licensed programs to the new release level. Complete the  
_ Set the system values, and print the current configuration.  
_ Completed a recovery backup of the source system at the new release level,  
and printed your latest system configuration information, including:  
Latest system configuration list from hardware service manager  
Latest device descriptions printout of the source system  
Latest controller descriptions printout of the source system  
Latest PTF level printout from the source system  
_ Run your source system at the new release level for two weeks, and  
completed a recovery backup. (Recommended)  
_ Have set up your new system, and/or created the new partition, including  
Operations Console setup (if selected in system order).  
_ Done your disk unit management (for example, manage disk protection and  
disk configuration). To do this, you can use the Work with Disk Units option from  
the Dedicated Service Tools display. For more information, see the manual  
Backup and Recovery, SC41-5304-05. A PDF version of this manual is available  
from the Information Center under Systems Management -> Backup, recovery,  
and availability -> Manuals and Redbooks.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001  
_ Verified the availability of a compatible alternate IPL device (tape unit  
attached to the system bus 1). If the system uses an alternate installation device  
for install or restore operations, ensure the availability of the location  
information for that device.  
Data migration (RISC-to-RISC)  
__ 1. Using the Backup and Recovery book, Chapter 4, checklist 20 steps 1  
through 9, perform a recovery after a complete system loss. Include the  
following additions before the IPL. The Backup and Recovery manual,  
SC41-5304-05, is available in PDF format from the Information Center under  
Systems Management -> Backup, recovery, and availability -> Manuals and  
__ 2. Rename or replace the hardware descriptions on the target system.  
a. On the command line, type WRKHDWPRD and press the Enter key.  
b. Select the Change description label locations option. Press the Enter  
c. If a controller or device no longer has a valid resource on the system, the  
Using Change Description Label Locations display appears, allowing  
you to make corrections.  
d. Determine whether the new target system has different communications  
lines or storage than the source system. If so, check the work  
management objects. For more information, see the Work management  
topic under Systems Management in the Information Center.  
__ 3. Install any new LPPs or PTFs. For more information, refer to the Software  
Installation book.  
__ 4. Change the QAUTOCFG, QIPLTYPE, and QPFRADJ system values to the  
desired values. For more details, refer to the book Basic System Operation,  
Administration, and Problem Handling , SC41-5206-03.  
Verify that all objects were restored from the source system. Use the Backup  
and Recovery book to fix any discrepancies.  
__ 5. Perform an IPL.  
__ 6. Print a copy of your system configuration information:  
_ Generate reports of the hardware and configuration objects by issuing  
the following command:  
_ Print the spooled file that was generated by the above command.  
_ Print a new system configuration list using Start a service tool option. To  
do this complete the following steps on the AS/400 Main menu command  
a. Start System Service Tools by entering:  
b. On the STRSST display, select Start a service tool option. Press the Enter  
c. On the Start a Service Tool display, select Hardware service manager. Press  
the Enter key.  
d. From the Hardware Service Manager display, press F6 (print  
e. Your system configuration should print. Keep the list for future  
32 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
f. Return to the AS/400 Main menu, Press F3 (Exit) twice, and then press  
the Enter key.  
__ 7. Save the entire system. Use Option 21 on the Save menu. For more  
information about saving the entire system using option 21, refer to any of  
the following:  
v The chapter on saving your iSeries server in the manual Backup and  
Recovery, SC41-5304-05.  
v The Backup, recovery, and availability topic under Systems  
Management in the Information Center:  
To find the procedure for saving the entire system (using option 21) in the  
Information Center, do the following:  
a. Click Systems Management  
b. Click Backup, recovery, and availability  
c. Click Backing up your server  
d. Click Saving your server with the GO SAVE command  
e. Click Saving your whole server with GO SAVE: Option 21  
__ 8. Resume normal operations and verify that all your applications run  
__ 9. IBM recommends that you tune the system performance. There are billable  
services available that can do this for you. You can find information about  
performance tuning in the Work Management manual. A PDF version of this  
manual is available from the iSeries Information Center under Systems  
Management -> Work management-> Work Management Manuals.  
Chapter 4. Procedure for a Data Migration (RISC-to-RISC) 33  
34 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Appendix A. AS/400 Global Services  
The following appendix describes on-site support or services that are available. For  
iSeries and AS/400 Data Migration Services  
IBM has a fee-based service called AS/400 Data Migration Services, which moves  
customer data migrated from existing disk units to new or replacement disk units.  
You can do this without the need for a save and restore with tape. This procedure  
decreases the overall time that is needed to perform an upgrade.  
Selected hardware service representatives have been trained to deliver this service.  
Only an AS/400 Data Migration Services trained hardware service representative  
should attempt this procedure. This representative can assess the appropriateness  
of this activity.  
If you would like more information about AS/400 Data Migration Services, contact  
your IBM iSeries 400 and AS/400 hardware service representative. Your IBM  
iSeries 400 and AS/400 hardware service representative can perform the procedure  
or put you in contact with the closest trained hardware service representative.  
LPAR Planning and Implementation Services  
It will assist a customer in planning and installing iSeries 400 and AS/400 logical  
partitioning on a new or existing n-way server (Models 6xx, Sxx, 7xx, 8xx, or later).  
This service will provide a planning session with the customer to ensure that all  
known customer requirements are fully discussed with a final hardware and  
software configuration and installation schedule provided. The services specialist  
can also perform on-site implementation services to install, configure, and  
optionally manage the new LPAR configuration.  
For more information, contact your local IBM representative or business partner or  
see the following Web site:  
iSeries Planning and Migration Services  
It will assist a customer in planning and migrating to the iSeries 400 V4R5 or later  
server line. This service will provide a planning session with the customer to  
ensure that all known customer requirements are fully discussed with a final  
hardware and software configuration and installation plan provided. The services  
specialist can also perform on-site services to upgrade the server to V5R1, convert  
the CEC and IO using a new migration expansion unit (if required) and provide  
additional migration services.  
System Migration Services  
IBM has a fee-based service offering called AS/400 System Migration Services,  
which maximizes productivity when a customer installs a new iSeries server.  
AS/400 System Migration Services can move the customers data from one system  
and restore it to a new system by using tape. The new system may be the same  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001  
release level or a different release level. Selected hardware service representatives  
have been trained to deliver this service. Only an AS/400 System Migration  
Services-trained hardware service representative should attempt this procedure.  
This representative can assess whether this activity is appropriate. If you would  
like more information about the AS/400 System Migration Services offering,  
contact your IBM iSeries 400 and AS/400 hardware service representative. Your  
IBM iSeries 400 and AS/400 hardware service representative can perform the  
procedure or put you in contact with the closest AS/400 System Migration  
Services-trained service representative.  
Related Support Services  
For related support services, see the AS/400 Technical Support Web site at  
1. Contact your marketing representative for information about the services that  
are available in your area.  
2. For information about IBM Global Services, see the following Web site:  
AS/400 Solution Services  
Installation Services  
With Installation Services, IBM takes over the responsibility of planning and  
installing the iSeries 400 hardware and software. This service includes the  
v IBM Smooth Start Services for iSeries 400.  
v A project manager for installation  
v On-site education for both the system operation and the recovery management  
v System software loading and enabling  
v Installation of Customer Set Up (CSU) or non-IBM equipment  
v Comprehensive site planning  
Performance Examinations  
The IBM iSeries 400 and AS/400 Performance Examination (PERFEX) provides an  
in-depth analysis of applications by IBM Performance Consultants at the  
customers location. This service includes the following:  
v High quality graphical and chart representation  
v Performance recommendations and conclusions  
v A detailed, written summary  
v Performance education  
Consulting Services  
Consulting services provide customized consultation on any iSeries 400 topic that  
is important to the customer. This personalized assistance from IBM consultants is  
one of the most popular services at IBM. The topics include the following:  
v Capacity planning  
v Performance analysis  
36 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
v Application planning to implementation  
v Application design review  
v Application design  
v AS/400 Communications network consulting  
v AS/400 unattended operations for communications applications  
v Security audit  
v Multi-vendor integration services  
v Client Access/400  
v AS/400 recovery readiness audit  
v Multiple implementations  
Midrange Enhanced Software Service (MRESS)  
The purpose of MRESS is to increase the technical staff of the customers who want  
a direct link to an IBM Software Service Representative. The representative  
supports iSeries 400 and AS/400 system software, makes PTF recommendations,  
and notifies the customer about problems that might affect system operation.  
MRESS includes the following:  
v Software problem resolution  
v PTF consultation  
v Pro-active account support  
Appendix A. AS/400 Global Services 37  
38 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Appendix B. Considerations and Solutions  
See the AS/400 Homepage, AS/400 Information Center for further information  
regarding your concerns.  
IBM HTTP Server for AS/400  
When migrating your AS/400 system from V3R7 to V4R2, some existing common  
gateway interface, CGI programs may not function correctly. The CGI interface in  
V4R2 was changed to improve performance.  
What was the change?  
The AS/400 runtime environment now allows the IBM HTTP Server for AS/400 to  
put into effect byte streams for CGI standard in and standard out.  
Why was the change made?  
Customer requirements caused this change to remove the line length limitations  
on, (standard in and standard out).  
What problems were detected or flagged?  
1. Programs that call QtmhRdStdin multiple times to read the standard in data  
are incorrect, and this does not work.  
2. All programs that read from (standard in), (QtmhRdSdtin) need to check the  
Content-Length environment variable to determine the number of bytes to read.  
Programs that do not use the Content-Length environment variable and read  
more than the Content-Length will not work.  
Why was the change made?  
Customer requirements to remove the 250 byte limit on standard in and standard  
out, motivated the change.  
When was the change made?  
The change is available via the following PTFs:  
v V4R1 - 5769SS1 SF46810  
v 5769TC1 SF47332  
v V4R2 - 5769TC1 SF46558  
What should the customer do?  
The customer should use the Web Programming Guide to ensure that the programs  
meet standard guidelines.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001  
Operations Console  
For information about setting up and configuring Operations Console, see the  
manual Operations Console Setup, SC41-5508-02. A PDF version of this manual is  
available from the iSeries Information Center under Client Access Express ->  
Manuals and Redbooks. If you are setting up a new iSeries server, see the cabling  
instructions in the cabling poster.  
For information pertaining to an upgrade, see the book OptiConnect for OS/400,  
Integrated Netfinity Server  
See the book Getting Started with Integrated Netfinity Server, SC41-5123-01, for  
information on Integrated Netfinity Server.  
Clustering and Logical Partitions  
IBM representatives can get further information about clustering and logical  
partitions from the iSeries Information Center  
Follow the link to Planning and then Logical Partitions.  
Lotus Notes Enhanced Integration  
For V4R4M0, OS/400 option 24 (OS/400 Lotus Notes Enhanced Integration) is no  
longer supported, and is deleted when upgrading to V4R4M0. A migration of the  
data in (OS/400 Lotus Notes Enhanced Integration) must be accomplished before  
the upgrade. IBM recommends migrating the data to Lotus Domino. For detailed  
migration instructions see the following URL:  
Consideration when upgrading to 5769-RD1 OnDemand:  
v If your target release is Version 4 Release 2 (or a later release) and your source  
system has either of the following features installed:  
5716-RD1 Option 1 - OnDemand output queue archival feature  
5716-RD1 Option 2 - OnDemand object archival feature  
And you plan to use either of the following features on your target system:  
5769-RD1 Option 1 - OnDemand output queue archival feature  
5769-RD1 Option 2 - OnDemand object archival feature  
For OnDemand migration and upgrade information, see the book LPS:  
OnDemand for AS/400, GC41-5079-01.  
SRC A900 2000 Recovery  
Attention: Use this procedure only if no workstation on your system is  
40 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
1. Find your copy of the Basic System Operation, Administration, and Problem  
Handling book. It describes the procedures for working with the control panel  
on your processor unit. Use it for more information on how to perform the  
remaining tasks.  
2. Use the system control panel to place your system in manual mode.  
3. Use the system control panel to force power down on your system.  
4. Perform an IPL on your system.  
5. Sign on as QSECOFR.  
6. On the IPL or Install the System display, select option 1 (perform an IPL).  
7. On the IPL Options display, specify Y for the Define or change the system at  
IPL prompt.  
8. On the Define or Change the System at IPL display, select 3 (System value  
9. On the System Value Commands display, select 3 (Work with System Values).  
10. On the Work with System Values display, type QIPLTYPE in the Position to  
11. In the Option column for the QIPLTYPE system value, type 2 (Change).  
12. On the Change System Value display for the QIPLTYPE system value, type 2  
(Attended IPL, console in debug mode).  
13. Press the Enter key. You see the Work with System Values display.  
14. Press F3 twice to return to the Define or Change Your System display.  
15. Press F3 (Exit and continue IPL) to continue your IPL.  
How to Move Files That Have Been Saved with Storage Free Specified  
If you have saved database files and specified STG(*FREE), you must take special  
steps to transfer the descriptive information about those files to your RISC target  
system. (All customers must do this, whether or not you have the Media and  
Storage Extensions product installed.) When you save a database file and specify  
STG(*FREE), the system saves the contents of the file. The system then deletes the  
contents from the system copy of the file, so that the contents exist only on the  
save media. The file description information, including a list of members, remains  
on the system as a type of archival record. To create usable object descriptions for  
your RISC target system, use the procedures that follow. If your source system  
does not have adequate auxiliary storage to restore the contents of archival files,  
you might need to make arrangements to use another system to restore your files  
and save them again. Make sure that the system has a tape unit that is compatible  
with the tape unit that you will have on your upgraded system.  
How to Move Freed Database Files without New Members  
Use the procedure below only if both of the following conditions are true:  
1. The database file on the source system was previously saved with STG(*FREE).  
2. No new members were added to the file after it was saved on the source  
If both conditions were true, move freed database files without new members as  
1. For a physical file, use the  
command or the  
Appendix B. Considerations and Solutions 41  
command to restore the file. For a logical file, use the  
command or the  
command to restore the based-on physical files.  
2. If you need to save the files separately to make space available on your system,  
use the  
command. Do not specify STG(*FREE). Make sure that you mark the save  
tapes. You can then delete the files or save them again on different tapes with  
3. After you have restored the files to your target system, you can save them  
again with STG(*FREE). The object description remains on your upgraded  
system as an archival record.  
If you have a file that has some members with contents and other members that  
were saved with STG(*FREE), you must create a version of the file that has a  
complete set of members with contents. You do this by restoring the members that  
were saved with STG(*FREE). When the complete database file is on the system,  
perform again the specific instructions for saving your system. These instructions  
are outlined in the upgrade or migration procedure that sent you here.  
42 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Appendix C. Obtain the Latest Preventive Service Planning  
You need the most recent cumulative package of the Preventive Service Planning  
Information. The IBM software support center updates this information regularly. It  
provides the most current information about conditions that could impede your  
software installation process.  
There are multiple preventive service planning documents, categorized by topic.  
We recommend that you review at least the software installation document and the  
general document for the release of the operating system. The general document  
lists topics covered in additional preventive service planning information  
documents that you might want to order, if they apply to your system.  
You can order the preventive service planning documents through electronic  
customer support:  
PSP Document  
Command to Order, program temporary fix  
General document for the release  
V4R4 software installation  
Send Program Temporary Fix Order  
V4R4 (System Upgrade Road Map RISC to  
V4R5 software installation  
V4R5 (System Upgrade Road Map RISC to  
V5R1 software installation  
V5R1 (System Upgrade Road Map RISC to  
For all customers, PTFs can be downloaded from the following Web site:  
You need to register at this site. To download a PTF, go to the AS/400 Internet PTF  
1. Click Fixes, Downloads and Updates.  
2. Click Internet PTF Downloads (iPTF).  
If you do not have access to electronic customer support, contact your software  
support provider to obtain this information. This ensures that you will receive the  
required PTF as well. Information about displaying and printing preventive service  
planning documents is available in the Ordering fixes topic under System  
planning and installation -> Getting started with iSeries -> Managing system  
operations -> Managing fixes -> Ordering preventive service packs (PSPs) in the  
Information Center.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001  
44 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
Appendix D. Notices  
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.  
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in  
other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the  
products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM  
product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM  
product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product,  
program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may  
be used instead. However, it is the users responsibility to evaluate and verify the  
operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.  
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter  
described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you  
any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:  
IBM Director of Licensing  
IBM Corporation  
500 Columbus Avenue  
Thornwood, NY 10594  
For license inquiries regarding double-byte (double-byte character set (DBCS))  
information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or  
send inquiries, in writing, to:  
IBM World Trade Asia Corporation  
2-31 Roppongi 3-chome, Minato-ku  
Tokyo 106, Japan  
The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other  
country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:  
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or  
implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply  
to you.  
This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.  
Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be  
incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements  
and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this  
publication at any time without notice.  
Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose  
of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created  
programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the  
information which has been exchanged, should contact:  
IBM Corporation  
Software Interoperability Coordinator  
3605 Highway 52 N  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001  
Rochester, MN 55901-7829  
Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions,  
including in some cases, payment of a fee.  
The licensed program described in this information and all licensed material  
available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement  
or any equivalent agreement between us.  
Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled  
environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may  
vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level  
systems, and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on  
generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurement may have been  
estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document  
should verify the applicable data for their specific environment.  
Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of  
those products, their published announcements, or other publicly available sources.  
IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of  
performance, compatibility, or any other claims related to non-IBM products.  
Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the  
suppliers of those products.  
All statements regarding IBMs future direction or intent are subject to change or  
withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only.  
The information herein is subject to change before the products described become  
This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business  
operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the  
names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are  
fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business  
enterprise is entirely coincidental.  
If you are viewing this information softcopy, the photographs and color  
illustrations might not appear in your view.  
The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines  
Corporation in the United States, or other countries, or both:  
Advanced 36  
Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) Performance Edge  
Application System/400  
Client Access/400  
Integrated Netfinity Server  
Operating System/400  
46 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
PowerPC AS  
C-bus is a trademark of Corollary, Inc.  
Lotus is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation in the United States, or  
other countries, or both.  
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, the Windows 95 and the Windows 98 logo are  
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.  
Java and HotJava are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.  
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed  
exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.  
PC Direct is a registered trademark of Ziff Communications Company and is used  
by IBM Corporation under license.  
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks  
of others.  
Appendix D. Notices 47  
48 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
preventive service planning information  
A900 2000 SRC  
alternate installation device  
installing from  
ordering additional  
from an alternate installation device  
command, CL  
customers upgrade needs  
SRC (system reference code)  
system reference code (SRC)  
customer tasks  
upgrades covered in this road map  
ordering prerequisites  
ordering tasks  
performing the upgrade  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001  
50 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1  
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